Horoscope Matching/ Guna Milan
Horoscope Matching/ Guna Milan
According to Indian Hindu culture whever two people's marriage is fixed the first thing they do is to match their horoscope, and o the bases of that final decision is made, this is very important as the gunas of boy and girl must match, it is said that if guns donot match even then marriage is performed between those people, then they may have to face many dificulties in their lives, according to hindu astroogy boy's and girls's guna milan must score 18 or more to have a good match if the score is less than 18 then it is not advisable to do marriage , moreovers they can still perform their marriage by some remedies suggested by the astrologers.
Horoscopr matching simply check compatibility of your guna with that of your partner, and mark scores accordingly, to check your guna milan, please fill in your information above and click continue then fill details of your partner and click continue to see the results.
How it works!!
Horoscope Matching/ Guna Milan all of the 8 gunas are calulated according to your details and your partner's details, and then your gunas are compared with your partner's gunas to check compatibility, each guna has particular marks, by which scores are given to both of you, maximum marks are 36, according to astrology to make a good couple you must get atleast 18 marks, anything less then that is not considered as a good match.